Growing up in the South, one quickly becomes acclimated to the warmer, more humid weather. Contrary to popular belief, we do have seasons. But the longevity of our seasons seem to coincide with the concepts behind thermal science, meaning that the warmer seasons expand and the cooler seasons contract. Which was unfortunate for me, because I really enjoyed the cold (of course when I refer to "the cold" I mean temperatures between 45 and 65 degrees). But around the end of September the nights would start getting cooler, which would prompt my dad to cut the AC and open the windows.
Well, after a pretty thorough heat streak here in south Louisiana, the good Lord has decided to bless us with a cold snap. And, yes, I have cut the AC and have opened the living room window. And as the cool air flows over my shoulders and into the rest of the house I am instantly transported back to my formative years. The years when my dad and I would sit on the living room floor with our backs against the couch and watch the Atlanta Braves play whoever on TBS. Or Saturdays later in the football season watching the eleven o'clock game on Jefferson Pilot. Whatever it was, the cooler air made it much more enjoyable.
Now let's just hope those levees hold up!